Where to buy gluten free food in Vienna

The best places to buy gluten free food in Vienna for local and tourists alike.


When you search for gluten free labeled food in Vienna, you have quite a few places where you can find it.

When our daughter was diagnosed with coeliac disease I felt like a tourist the first time I entered our nearby supermarket.

Luckily, I found quickly the gluten free aisle, because I went to the one section of the supermarket I never visited before.

You will find gluten free food (flour, bread, snacks, cookies..) in most of the supermarkets in Vienna and other shops and here are the stores we can recommend:





The store in Hoher Markt 12 is in the city centre and has Schaer products and other gluten free products such as pasta, breadcrumbs, frozen pizza etc. At the deli counter the people serving you can give informations on the allergens included in the deli products. So ask them, most of them speak english






There are everywhere and most of them will stock gluten free bread, pasta and snacks. Billa Corso in Neuermarkt is a good option for tourists, being located near the main shopping street Kartner Strasse.







There are almost as many as Billa and they their own brand of gluten free products “Free From”.






They are quite common in the Vienna, not so much in the city center and they have a good selection of gluten free products.




denns  Denn’s Biomarkt


This is an organic supermarket and they stock gluten free products as well.







A supermarket designed for people with allergies and intolerances. It is run by a lady with a coeliac patient in the family.




Where do you buy your gluten free food in Vienna?


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